Admissions for Rosehill Christian school is based on several factors.

  • As a Covenant School, at least one parent must be a believer in the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ as defined in our Statement of Faith. The family must also be in regular in-person attendance at a local church with a comparable Statement of faith.

  • The candidate’s test scores must fall within accepted standards of mid-average to above-average IQ.

  • Past performance is gathered from past standardized tests, report cards, and teacher recommendations.

  • If all other parameters are at acceptable levels to the admissions committee, an interview will be scheduled with the family.

  • Any student who has been expelled, assigned to an alternative education placement or who are presently suspended will NOT be eligible for enrollment at RCS.

  • Openings are based upon available seats in each class. A waiting pool is created when all seats are taken in a class.

  • If the family is transferring from another Christian or private school, they should be in good financial standing with the previous school.

To make the process easier when you start the application you may want to gather the following items.

  • Birth Certificate

  • Immunization Record

  • Elementary teacher email address (Math & Science Teachers)

  • High School & Middle School: Email addresses for the following teachers, English/language arts, math, and English.

  • Pastor’s email

  • Any PSAT, SAT, or ACT scores

  • Report cards for the previous two years

  • Any previous standardized testing and psychological testing

Step 1: Online Application

  • Completes the online application agreeing to the following

  • Statement of Faith & Morality Statement

  • Regular in-person attendance at a church with a comparable Statement of Faith

  • Payment of application fee

Step 2: Testing

  • (PK4-6th) Testing for PK4-6th grade students may occur once the application has been submitted

  • (7th-12th) The Director of Admissions will forward the completed student folder with all documentation to the grade level principal.  Upon review of the student folder, the grade-level Principal will determine if additional testing is warranted based on the documentation submitted. 

Step 3: Family Interview

  • If the test results and the files indicate that the student might be a fit for the school, an interview with the family will be scheduled with the grade-level Principal.

  • If appropriate, both parents may attend the interview. However, at least one parent and the child should be present at the interview.

  • If the test results and the files indicate that the student is not a fit, the Principal will notify the parents.

  • NOTE: RCS is bound by the license agreements with the Educational Diagnostician and only the Educational Diagnostician may furnish the parent with test results and the interpretation of those results.

Step 4: Admissions Committee Review

  • Upon final submission of all documents, testing, and the family interview, the Admissions Committee will meet to review the student’s file to determine admission. This committee meets once each week to determine the acceptance or rejection of students.

  • The determination of the Admissions Committee will be formally communicated to the family.


  • Students who have various learning differences or who are presently receiving assistance through Special Education or 504 should provide any previous testing, ARD paperwork, 504 paperwork, and a lift of any accommodations from the past. A Pre-Interview will be conducted before any new admissions testing to determine if RCS is staffed to meet the educational needs of the child requesting admission.

  • Any student who has been expelled, assigned to an alternative education placement, or who are presently suspended will not be eligible for enrollment at RCS.

  • After students are admitted to RCS, those who struggle academically may be referred for further testing at the expense of the parent.

  • The priority of processing students for admissions

    • Siblings of current students.

    • Children from the Christian community at large who come from a family where at least one parent is a born-again believer.